Dental hygiene with braces

How to Care for Your Teeth While Wearing Braces

Taking meticulous care of your teeth can be tricky enough. But with the addition of braces, it becomes especially challenging. Braces, while gently repositioning your teeth and improving your smile, have tons of hard-to-reach areas where food and debris can become stuck. For this reason, it’s necessary to take special care of your teeth if you have braces. This will help prevent your perfectly straight, new smile from being marred by stains or cavities. Your orthodontist in Franklin, TN, can give you tips for caring for your teeth while wearing braces.

1. Brush After Every Meal

Did you know snacks count as meals? At least, they do to your orthodontist. This means every time you eat something, you must brush afterward, even if you only had a healthy snack. This will prevent bits of food from lodging in difficult areas where you can’t see or feel it. And no food left behind means less chance of cavities.

2. Use Mouthwash Regularly

An antiseptic mouthwash is best because it helps kill germs that breed bacteria. By rinsing with mouthwash several times a day, you can swish away any food particles your brush may have missed. You can also kill germs that lead to gum disease.

3. Don’t Forget to Floss

Even with braces, you should still floss at least once per day. It may be a bit trickier to maneuver. However, that extra effort will be worth it in the long run. And you can buy dental floss applicators that have been specially designed for use with braces.

4. Keep Regular Appointments with Your Orthodontist

It’s super important to see your orthodontist regularly if you wear braces. In order to do their job, most braces must be readjusted regularly. And if you wear traditional metal braces, only your orthodontist can perform this procedure. You’ll want to keep appointments with your regular dentist during this time, as well.

The friendly professionals at Cool Water Orthodontics can help you care for your teeth while you wear braces in Franklin, TN. Call today to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced dental clinicians.