Are Clear Aligners Safer than Traditional Braces?

Millions of people worldwide love clear aligners because they eliminate the need for traditional braces. Yet, there’s more to these dental appliances than esthetics. If you’re wondering if clear aligners in Franklin, TN, are safer, we’ll examine what you should know about the two.

Clear Aligner Safety

Clear aligners like Invisalign in Franklin, TN, are typically considered safer than traditional braces. However, it’s important to note that the differences in safety are relatively minor. Because clear aligners are removable and they don’t involve brackets or wires, there are fewer risks to sensitive gums and cheeks. This means fewer cuts and less irritation overall. So, while traditional braces aren’t unsafe in that they don’t pose any major health risks, they can lead to more mouth abrasions.

Additional Advantages of Invisalign

Invisalign allows patients to take care of their teeth the same way they did before they needed clear aligners. So, unlike traditional braces, where floss needs to be threaded in between the brackets and food particles build up along the surface of the wires, it’s easier to stick to an optimal oral hygiene routine. It is possible to keep up with brushing and flossing with traditional braces, though there is an increased risk of tooth damage or decay simply due to impediments.

Invisalign also doesn’t require patients to change their eating habits. Clear aligners allow you to remove the trays whenever you eat, so you don’t have to worry about skipping out on popcorn or taffy. This can make keeping up with the recommended schedule easier, which is especially important for teens and adolescents who may resent their latest responsibilities.

Invisalign in Franklin, TN

There are some people who can’t get clear aligners due to the severity of their oral health. Invisalign works best in mild to moderate cases, and for some patients, only traditional braces will do. However, if it’s at all possible to get clear aligners, an orthodontist in Franklin, TN will typically recommend them before any other treatment. Traditional braces certainly aren’t unsafe, but they open the door to more potential issues (including small cuts that can eventually lead to bigger problems).

Traditional Braces vs. Lingual Braces

When choosing which type of braces in Franklin, TN, you have several options. Thanks to advances in orthodontics, you no longer have to settle for traditional metal braces. However, these braces still have a lot to offer, which is why so many dental patients still choose them. The closest counterpart to traditional braces is lingual braces. Here is a comprehensive comparison between the two, so you and your orthodontist can make the best choice for your circumstances and preferences.

Visibility – Traditional Braces

Traditional braces are made up of metal brackets and wires, which your orthodontist attaches to the fronts of the teeth. Because of how they’re attached, they’re highly visible when the person speaks and smiles. This is a drawback for anyone who might be self-conscious.

Visibility – Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are made of materials similar to traditional braces, but they are attached to the insides of the teeth. This makes them much more discreet and appealing to persons who want to keep a low profile on their orthodontic work.

Comfort – Traditional Braces

Traditional braces’ metal brackets and wires may cause discomfort or irritation to the lips, cheeks, and tongue. Patients often experience soreness after adjustments, although technological advancements have made them more comfortable over the years.

Comfort – Lingual Braces

Lingual braces have a reputation for being more comfortable for the wearer and not irritating the insides of the lips. However, they can still irritate the tongue.

Maintenance – Traditional Braces

It’s challenging for traditional braces wearers to maintain good oral hygiene. Food particles tend to stick in the brackets, and regular flossing is impossible due to the wires connecting each tooth. However, water flossers and conscientious food choices can help minimize these concerns.

Maintenance – Lingual Braces

Because lingual braces are behind the teeth, it’s harder to see if food debris remains after brushing. Water flossers help, but the challenge is not seeing the actual braces. Wearers may need to use a dental mirror to check each tooth, which is time-consuming and cumbersome.

Both traditional braces and lingual braces are highly effective at their primary purpose. The choice should be made after consultation with your orthodontist in Franklin, TN. Contact us today to book an appointment.

How to Care For Lingual Braces

Many improvements have been made in orthodontics in recent years, including the invention of lingual braces. For anyone who needs braces, lingual braces have proven to be a welcome change from traditional metal braces. Although not everyone chooses lingual braces in Franklin, TN, those who do need to know how to care for them and the teeth that are being treated with them.

What Are Lingual Braces?

Lingual braces are attached to the back of the teeth instead of the front. The term lingual refers to the tongue. Lingual braces are so named because the braces are attached to the side of the teeth closest to the tongue. The main reason why people choose lingual braces over traditional braces is because the metal brackets are not visible when smiling or talking.

How to Care For Lingual Braces

Lingual braces supposedly make it easier to clean teeth. This is true, but it only applies to the front of the teeth. In the back, it’s harder to see what’s happening because the braces will not be visible in the mirror.

You should make a special point of brushing behind the teeth. It’s also very helpful to use an electric or battery-operated water flosser. This will help ensure that all the food debris is washed away after eating. Rinse with an ADA-approved mouthwash, swishing the fluid between the teeth. Finally, avoid eating hard foods, including common ones like extra-crispy fried chicken and nuts.

Is There a Drawback to Lingual Braces?

Lingual braces do not directly affect speech in any way, but they do take some getting used to. At first, you may find it hard to get used to the sensation of the braces against the tongue. Over time, you may stop noticing it.

Another thing to know about lingual braces is that they don’t work any faster or different than traditional braces. For example, if you were to need about two years in regular metal braces, you would still need about that time in lingual braces. The major benefit of lingual braces over traditional braces is that they are so low-profile.

Lingual braces are durable but not infallible. For more information about lingual braces, including how to care for them, contact your orthodontist in Franklin, TN.

5 Benefits of Lingual Braces

Many advances have been made in the field of orthodontics. One of the most exciting is lingual braces, which are braces that attach to the teeth from the inside instead of front-facing. Many patients opt for lingual braces for the reasons cited below.

1. Appearance

For anyone concerned with appearance, lingual braces in Franklin, TN, can’t be beaten. In fact, aesthetics is one of the most common reasons that people choose lingual braces over alternatives. While lingual braces aren’t completely invisible, they are nearly undetectable, even close-up. They present a great option for both adults and teenagers, allowing wearers to smile confidently throughout the orthodontic journey.

2. Customizable

The latest versions of lingual braces are very customizable. They feature very well-fit brackets to match the teeth’ contours. This helps to ensure a high level of comfort and adds control and precision to the dentist’s treatment plan.

3. Minimal Irritation

One of the biggest challenges that wearers of traditional braces have is the irritation to the insides of the lips. The harsh metal rubbing up against soft tissue isn’t just irritating; it can cause microabrasions that have the potential to become infected. Rising with antibacterial mouthwash helps, but the experience causes an unpleasant burning sensation. With lingual braces, all that irritation is non-existent. This makes the adjustment period much easier for the patient.

4. Fewer Needed Adjustments

Patients with lingual braces often require fewer adjustments than those with traditional braces. This can mean shorter and less frequent appointments, saving time for busy professional adults and time-strapped, school-aged teenagers.

5. Easier Oral Hygiene

Another common challenge that traditional braces wearers face is oral hygiene. However, the enhanced design and positioning of lingual braces make it much easier to practice oral hygiene and ensure that food debris isn’t caught in the braces. Since the fronts of the teeth are not covered by brackets, it’s easier to spot plaque build-up and maintain crucial oral hygiene. This visibility also encourages better brushing and flossing habits.

If you need to get braces, it’s worth considering lingual braces. Talk to your orthodontist in Franklin, TN, for more information about this advanced orthodontic treatment and to find out if it’s right for you. Contact us today to book your appointment!

How to Prepare Your Teen for Braces  

Are you exploring braces for your teenager? Your dentist in Franklin, TN, can help you decide on the best option. We’ll help you talk with your teen about braces, too. And we’ll make sure you both understand what’s involved in preparing your teen’s teeth for orthodontia.

Explore the Different Types of Braces

Today, your teen has many more options from which to choose than you may have had as a child. Some are less noticeable than others. They include:

  • Metal braces — Metal braces are the most common, but they’re also the most noticeable. They use metal brackets that attach to the front of the teeth, connected by metal wires.
  • Lingual braces — Lingual braces are less noticeable because the metal brackets are placed behind your teeth to make them less visible to others.
  • Clear braces/ceramic braces — Ceramic braces blend in with the color of your teeth for a more discreet look, as opposed to metal braces.
  • Self-ligating braces — Self-ligating braces don’t use tiny elastic bands to keep the wires in place. These types of braces provide a more flawless, even appearance within the mouth.
  • Clear aligners — Clear aligners, such as Invisalign, are quite popular due to their invisible appearance. You can also take them out whenever you eat and brush your teeth, ensuring no food gets stuck in places you might not be able to reach with a toothbrush.

Brush and Floss Regularly Beforehand

The best thing your teen can do before getting braces is make their teeth sparkly clean. Brushing twice a day and flossing once a day the week before will not only ensure a clean slate to prevent bacteria buildup and cavities, but it will improve the health of gums beforehand. Flossing regularly is proven to strengthen gums, reduce sensitivity, and reduce inflammation. Three to ten days of regular flossing is all it takes to transform your gums into strong, healthy ones. Practicing good hygiene before getting braces will make it easier to clean them once the braces are on.

Call Today For a Consultation

Is your teenager due to get braces in Franklin, TN? At Cool Water Orthodontics, we have options. Visit our website or call today to learn more about the procedures we offer and which are best for your teen.


What Are iBraces, and How Are They Used?

If you’ve been searching online for information on the different types of braces available, you might have come across the term iBraces. But what are iBraces, and will your orthodontist in Franklin, TN offer them?

Let’s find out.

What Are iBraces?

IBraces in Franklin, TN, is just one of the brand names for lingual braces. Recently, people have been using the brand name iBraces and lingual braces interchangeably. This results in some confusion because those who have never heard of the brand name iBraces think that term is referring to a new type of braces when it’s not. You might also hear the term “incognito braces.” Again, that’s just another term that is used for lingual braces.

How Are iBraces Used?

Lingual braces (iBraces) are customized braces that are placed on the back side (tongue side) of the teeth. This offers an almost invisible option for those who want braces but don’t want them showing when they talk and smile. The cosmetic appeal is why many people opt for lingual braces instead of traditional metal braces that are placed on the front side of the teeth. Additionally, iBraces are a popular brand; therefore, many dentists now offer them.

The Pros and Cons of iBraces (lingual braces)

Just like anything else, there are pros and cons to everything.


  • Almost completely invisible.
  • Affixed to your teeth, so they are continually straightening them.
  • They are attached to your teeth, so you can’t lose them.
  • The brackets are custom-made, so they fit your teeth perfectly.
  • The custom fit means more precise, tailored movements.
  • Capable of treating minor and complex orthodontic issues.
  • Since teeth are visible, you can watch them improve.


  • They are the most expensive braces option, especially the custom-made brackets.
  • You must make changes to the way you eat. No hard, sticky, chewy, etc. foods that could damage the metal wires and brackets.
  • They are harder to floss and brush your teeth.
  • They take some time to get used to. Initially, they will cause soreness and could irritate your tongue until you get used to wearing them.
  • They might initially cause a lisp until you adjust to wearing them.
  • They could cause staining and brown spots if you are not diligent with your dental hygiene.

Do You Need an Orthodontist in Franklin, TN?

If you are looking for an orthodontist in Franklin, TN, please Contact Cool Water Orthodontics today. Our top priority is to provide you with the highest quality orthodontic care possible. We offer a comfortable, friendly environment where we treat everyone like family.

Color Braces

3 Types of Braces: What to Know About Traditional, Clear, and Lingual

There are a variety of types of braces available in Franklin, TN, and they’re all available for people who want a healthier smile. The key to choosing the right one comes down to understanding what’s available and who the braces are made for. While there are more than these three varieties on the market, some basic information can help you decide if you’re on the fence.


Traditional braces use metal, wires, and steel to straighten out your teeth. These are very strong materials, and thus, they’re perfect for people with severe misalignments. Metal braces have been around for decades, and they’re result are undeniable. Despite their efficacy, though, they’re also the most conspicuous type of braces, and they may need to be worn for up to two years.


Clear aligners in Franklin, TN, sometimes known as Invisalign, are a near-invisible way to straighten your teeth. You’ll wear these for around 22 hours a day, taking them out only to eat and clean. These see-through trays are comfortable enough that you won’t even necessarily notice them after a short period of time. The only caveat is that they won’t work for severe issues.


You can think of lingual braces like traditional braces, except that they’re installed in the back of the teeth rather than the front. The brackets and wires are just as effective when they’re concealed as when they’re not, which can make for a good compromise for a patient who wants clear aligners but isn’t eligible to wear them. However, while lingual braces are effective, the brackets can also be damaged by crunchy or hard foods. (Of course, most people agree that it’s worth the trouble if they don’t want people to know they’re wearing braces.)

Orthodontists in Franklin

Choosing braces can be daunting. When it’s a long-term decision like this, it’s reasonable to wonder exactly what you’re signing up for. If you have questions about how long you’ll need to wear your aligners for, what it will cost, or what you can expect after the braces come off, the staff at Cool Water Orthodontics can get you all the facts. If you’re looking for a reputable orthodontist in Franklin, TN, we’re here to give you or your loved ones a reason to smile.

6 Commonly Asked Questions About Braces

So, you’re getting braces. You probably have many questions! Fortunately, your orthodontist in Franklin, TN, can help you get answers. Below are some of the most commonly asked questions about braces, with helpful answers.

1. What are braces for?

The braces’ purpose is to correct tooth alignment and bite problems. Braces can also help correct cosmetic problems. If you have crowded teeth, overbite, underbite or crooked teeth, then you may benefit from braces. Your dentist will tell you whether you’re a good candidate for braces.

2. What’s the difference between braces and clear aligners?

Braces and clear aligners can correct many of the same problems. However, braces do their job when the braces’ wires pull the teeth into the correct position.

Clear aligners are made out of clear plastic that fits over the teeth. They do their job by slowly pushing the teeth into the correct position. As the teeth slowly reposition themselves to fit inside the aligner, then the aligners are replaced with new aligners that push the teeth even further.

3. How can you tell if you need braces?

Your dentist will be the one to tell you definitively whether you need braces, but you may be able to tell by some of the following symptoms:

  • You bite the inside of your mouth frequently
  • You have a hard time chewing
  • Chewing makes you tired
  • Your teeth are visibly crooked or crowded

If you have any of these symptoms, talk to your dentist.

4. How are braces maintained?

Braces need to be brushed twice each day, just like your teeth. You should also floss your teeth once daily. To floss your teeth, thread the floss through your teeth between the braces and the gums. Once it’s threaded through, move the floss up and down, under the gum like you would normally. Then, floss the area between your teeth on the other side of the wire.

5. Does it hurt to get braces?

It shouldn’t hurt to have braces attached to your mouth, but you may feel discomfort soon after they are installed. This discomfort will fade with time.

Do you have more questions about braces in Franklin, TN? Call Cool Water Orthodontics to find out the answers to your many questions. We’re happy to provide you with the information you need.

How Careful Do You Need to Be When Eating With Lingual Braces?

Lingual braces go behind the teeth, which is a great way to avoid any potential social stigma surrounding braces. It’s a great option for anyone who has more severe orthodontic issues (if they’re not a good candidate for clear aligners). The major downside is that you need to be careful about what you eat. We’ll look at the basics so you’re able to keep the brackets on until they’re ready to come off.

Avoid Crispy, Chewy Foods

This is a tall order for people, but it’s necessary if you want to be on the safe side. Anything that’s difficult to chew, like licorice, gum, caramels, or hard candies, shouldn’t be on the menu when you have these braces on. You should also stay away from very crunchy foods, like popcorn or almonds.

What Can You Eat?

You can eat pretty much anything soft or that eventually melts down. So, while you wouldn’t want to bite straight into a frozen ice pop, you can enjoy it over time. Muffins, tortillas, rice, pasta, and meatballs can all be added to the menu. You can also alter your cooking habits to enjoy crispy vegetables. Roasting, steaming, or sauteeing these foods until they become soft are excellent ways to get the nutrients into your diet without sacrificing the stunning smile on the other end of your braces.

The bottom line is that you need to be pretty careful with these devices. Having lingual braces in Franklin, TN is a major trade-off, and most people will slip up every now and again when they have them. If the menu sounds too limited, you should work with your dentist to learn more about what else you can do to straighten your teeth.

Dentists in Franklin

The right orthodontist in Franklin, TN will tell you everything you need to know about your braces. What’s right for you doesn’t just depend on how crooked your teeth are, it depends on your personal preferences. If you don’t want to give up your favorite foods, Cool Water Orthodontics can tell you more about how to retain your lifestyle as best as possible while still working toward a straighter grin.


3 Benefits Early Orthodontic Treatment

Early orthodontic treatment isn’t for everyone, but for the right patient, it can be very beneficial. If your little one has misaligned teeth, your child’s orthodontist may recommend early orthodontic treatment. Here’s what you should know about why early orthodontic treatment in Franklin, TN is helpful and what are the benefits.

Why Early Orthodontic Treatment?

Your child’s orthodontist is likely to recommend orthodontic treatment if your child has a condition that is best treated as quickly as possible. Some conditions get worse if they’re not treated right away. This is what your child’s dental professional will likely recommend orthodontic treatment for:

  • Underbite
  • Poorly spaced teeth
  • Crossbite
  • Teeth crowding
  • Missing teeth
  • Extra teeth
  • Thumb-, finger-, or pacifier-sucking

Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment

Below are some of the benefits of early orthodontic treatment:

  1. Improve speech. Sometimes jaw misalignment and tooth misalignment can lead to speech problems. Orthodontic treatment can help improve speech and prevent problems like lisps and difficulty pronouncing certain blended sounds. If your child has difficulty with speech and their dental professional says they need braces, this could potentially help with their speech problem.
  2. Aid digestion. Some children find it difficult to chew properly because their teeth won’t line up as they should. Getting your child orthodontic treatment in this case can help aid their digestion by allowing them to chew their food as it should be chewed. Your child may not even know that they have trouble chewing, but you may notice a difference if their jaw clicks when they chew, or if they often find themselves biting the inside of their mouth or choking on their food.
  3. Prevent tooth decay. Teeth that grow too close together can be difficult to clean. Aligning the teeth properly can help make the teeth easier to clean, which in turn can help your child avoid painful and annoying problems like tooth decay and cavities. Properly aligned teeth are easier to floss and easier to brush.

Is Your Child A Candidate for Early Orthodontic Treatment? Call Today

At Cool Water Orthodontics, we offer early orthodontic treatment in Franklin, TN. To get started with your child’s orthodontic care, call today to make an appointment.