Are Lingual Braces More Uncomfortable than Traditional?

When it comes to getting braces, comfort is something of a relative word. No matter what, you’re going to have a change in lifestyle. The question becomes what type of change can you best adapt to over the course of the treatment? We’ll look at how lingual braces compare to traditional braces in Franklin, TN.

Getting Started

Traditional braces and lingual braces are essentially two sides of the same coin. They both install standard brackets and wires that will push your teeth in the right direction, except one is worn in front of the teeth and the other is worn behind them. With lingual braces, the obvious benefit is that you can’t see the braces, which can be a major perk for anyone who wants to keep their smile the same.

How Comfortable Are Braces in Franklin?

When it comes to the first few weeks, both patients will need to take some time to adjust to the braces. This will likely mean eating soft foods and generally learning how to adjust to the new hardware in your mouth. Both types of braces will require you to restrict certain types of foods, though it’s important to note that lingual braces are more susceptible to breakage from foods like crusty bread or sticky apples (even more so than traditional braces). The placement of lingual braces makes them more likely to break due to the pressure. In addition, lingual braces are more likely to irritate the tongue, which can impact your speech.

Traditional Vs. Lingual Braces

Most people who want invisible braces will choose clear aligners, but the reality is that not everyone will be eligible for the procedure. Lingual braces are a viable alternative, but they’re less common than traditional braces due to both the complexity of the installation and the location. While some people do love their lingual braces because they don’t present on the outside of the teeth, the lifestyle changes and the irritation on the interior of the mouth can be difficult to adjust to.

If you have questions about the best course of treatment, it helps to find an orthodontist in Franklin, TN that can take you through what you can expect. Contact Cool Water Orthodontics to figure out the right solution.